Effective Interventions In School
I am excited to be able to introduce teacher and experienced SpLD / Dyslexia tutor Anita Sawyer Vasan to you.
With more than 15 years of experience working with working with students with SpLDs, Anita has kindly contributed these insights on effective interventions for students with dyslexia.
Anita writes...
There is a great deal written about how to support students with dyslexia; here are some of the interventions for the classroom and 1:1 support which I have found particularly helpful over the years…….
Poor phonological skills
*Small group or 1:1 multi-sensory, structured, cumulative phonics programmes which uses games and motivating work on phonics, reading, spelling and writing within a supportive student-centred approach.
*Access to audio texts or video, as this give the student a break from decoding and allows them to access books, writing and information which they could not otherwise decode.
* Use of good quality text to speech programme with training and coaching in how to use it most effectively.
*Peer reading programmes; these have been shown to help readers with weak decoding when the learning mentors are well trained.
Poor memory impacting on understanding and recording notes.
*Give information in manageable chunks, supported by visual or multi-sensory input where possible; assign a learning buddy whose notes can be photocopied; re-cap information frequently at whole class and within small groups - a small peer group can be less threatening than whole class discussions and much more supportive for those with weak memories; provide handouts wherever possible for those with slow writing or copying; ensure the classroom is a supportive learning environment - anxiety has a direct effect on memory.
*Do a memory training programme to boost memory: There are many memory programmes on the market.
*Meta-cognition: teaching students how to harness their main sensory modality i.e. auditory, visual or kinaesthetic has been shown to be highly effective.
*Use of effective speech to text and predictive word programme which can support essay writing enormously, when the student gains confidence in using them.
Slow speed of processing.
*Allow extra time;
*Differentiate class and homework tasks so that all can achieve within a given time frame.
For more information, contact Anita on 07916122823
Anita Sawyer Vasan SpLD/dyslexia Specialist Teacher
PGCE, Dip. SpLD/Dyslexia, APC. MBPsS, Member of Patoss, Member of the Dyslexia Guild.