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This article is important to you if you are a parent feeling disempowered to enact change that will help your dyslexic child to improve their attainment at school as you get closer to the Autumn Term.
Parent Coach and Therapeutic Counsellor John Hicks asks if the breakdown in Parent/Teacher relationships across the UK ultimately reduce the possibility of getting dyslexia support in place for a child who is struggling in school?
How do you explain what Dysgraphia is to a child? I have found this remarkable book that actively engages children in understanding what Dysgraphia is.
Special Educational Needs Specialist and Dyslexia expert, Dr Helen Ross gives some insights into what to do next with a dyslexia assessment report for your child.
With the summer holidays about to start, parents have an opportunity to help their children boost their summer self-esteem and develop confidence ready for the new term. Check out my top three tips for boosting summer self-esteem.
If you are interested in Assistive Technology and the benefits it could have for young people, then it is worth checking out ATEC that is taking place on June 29th in Reading, Berks. Full details in this article.
“There was fear in the classroom and grammar and punctuation were part of that.” Author Michael Morpurgo thoughts about the ‘Michael Gove-mandated lessons’ are a lesson for all who teach children and especially our dyslexic children.
John Hicks and Darren Clark discuss the positive effects that reading has on a child’s cognitive and social development whilst sharing hints and tips on encouraging your child to learn to read.
Some really interesting comments by people who work in the field of dyslexia about what it is like to live with dyslexia on the Twinkl Resources blog. Here are some highlights.
How can we as parents motivate our children to read more and what are the benefits of being able to read? Find out more in this latest article from John Hicks.
Coming up in March an opportunity for parents and educators to get updated on the latest thinking, products and services focused on dyslexia. Find out the latest news about Dyslexia Show Live on the 25th and 26th March 2022.
#DEARForDyslexia is nearly with us and there are many ways in which we can all get involved in promoting the benefits of reading but we don’t need to read in the conventional way! Find out more.
John Hicks interviews Nikita Archer about her experience of discovering that she was dyslexic at Uni and how she nearly dropped out and how getting support from the Disabled Students Allowance changed the direction of her life.
Would it be too controversial to utilise spell checking software in a school environment, especially when there is a huge focus on learning spellings by rote? John Hicks explores this theme as well as provides a review of VeritySpell, software that helps students to develop their spelling and grammar skills.
Coming up in March an opportunity for parents and educators to get updated on the latest thinking, products and services focused on dyslexia. Find out the latest news about Dyslexia Show Live on the 25th and 26th March 2022.
If you are wondering about the impact of a child using Assistive Technology to support their learning needs then you need to watch this video by the ‘Techdudes’! A remarkable group of Primary School pupils who have become confident and independent learners who share their insights on using AT.
Simply the greatest opportunity for getting dyslexia support to young children and Philip Schofield used a cheap trick that snatched the focus away from doing lot’s of good. Find out more about The Dyslexia Screening Bill.
Is your child creative? Then join in some festive fun designed to inspire and develop creativity skills for dyslexic learning with this free Comic Book Workshop on the 7th December with Rossie Stone and Darren Clark.
Parents and teachers watch this video for some actionable strategies for helping your child to express their learning with creative writing or written coursework in KS3 and KS4.
Are you feeling 'good enough' to negotiate dyslexia support for your child? John Hicks explores how parental self esteem could have a negative impact on getting dyslexia support implement for a child.
Check out this range of tips for supporting slow processing, speech and language skills, dyscalculia, focus and attention, common challenges that sometimes happen at the same time as dyslexia.
October 2021 is International Dyslexia Awareness Month and the #GoRedforDyslexia campaign will be underway.
Find out what is happening, where to find out and how to get involved…
It can be frustrating when we try to help a dyslexic student and they seem to refuse to accept it. Why is this the case and what can we do to help win them over?
Why won’t the Joint Council For Qualifications bring about dyslexia friendly exam papers using the British Dyslexia Association Style Guide? Mum, Alex Castle is trying to change this with her petition that has gone viral!
Difficulties with speech and language skills can be so obvious to the people around children. What can we do as parents to help? Start by downloading this resource that gives great tips, of course!
With dyslexia being a language disorder, shouldn’t pupils with dyslexia therefore be excused from studying further languages? What should we as parents be considering?
Slow processing is a common experience among dyslexic learners but one that is little understood and serves as a barrier to learning if not supported effectively. I have found this useful resource for parents and teachers alike.
Dr Helen Ross is back with some very important thoughts for teachers as they start the new term with dyslexic learners!