When I come across ‘Assistive Technology’ I always want to make sure that it is fit for purpose. I have been given an opportunity to take a look at a piece of technology that helps with reading and saves schools money.
This article is brought to you by Scanning Pens.
So today I thought I would try something different and do a video for you about what I think of the C-Pen, the hand held scanner that reads out text.
In a world that is awash with apps and software that reads out text but requires the text to be in electronic form, what do you do if you have a book, worksheet or exam paper that is simply not compatible with those apps?
The choice is to get someone to read out the text or perhaps use a tiny device called the C-Pen.
In the video below, I will give you an overview of the device and how I think it can be useful not only to pupils using this technology to read but also in helping schools to save money and resources by using teachers to read out exam papers in specially set up ‘special needs’ exam rooms.