Kerissa Nelson from the University of Plymouth is looking for help from participants in the South West of the UK on a research project studying the psycho-emotional impact of dyslexia. Could you help?
As the effects of dyslexia gain in awareness, the research required to underpin that awareness is essential.
PhD researcher Kerissa Nelson from the University of Plymouth Institute of Education, is looking for participants who can help her to reach the goal of her research project.
PhD Reseracher Kerissa Nelson
Kerissa writes:
The goal of this research is to create knowledge and promote understanding of the psycho-emotional experiences of students with dyslexia (SWD) in mainstream classrooms and to offer an opportunity to teachers to consider SWD’s perspectives in informing their teaching practices.
If you fall into any of the categories below and would like to participate in this study kindly contact me.
The categories are:
South West students with dyslexia from mainstream secondary school 16 years and over:
You will be asked to record something each evening for a week in a video dairy reflecting on our experiences during the school day and when doing homework. As a part of the study you will receive a link to the video diary which you can access on your phone, tablet or computer, all recordings will be then be sent to me using this link when school resumes. For now, your being asked to participate in a semi-structured interview for no more than 45 minutes via Zoom (an online meeting facility).
South West teachers of secondary school students with dyslexia:
You will be asked to participate in two focus group discussions to share your experiences of teaching students with dyslexia in mainstream secondary classrooms. There will be a maximum of 7 educators in each session. Sessions will be conducted via Zoom which will last no more than 90 minutes for each session.
South West university students with dyslexia:
You are asked to participate in a 90-minute focus group meeting via Zoom to discuss the research topic, there will be a maximum of seven other students in the session.
All participants will be given a copy of the questions, the date and time of sessions and advice on how to join the group online or the interview.
Thank you again in advance.
If you would like to take part please contact Kerissa by clicking the button below:
Or contact Kerissa at