Time for some festive fun for Christmas 2019. Tell me how assistive technology has been useful in helping a dyslexic child or young person (that you support) to study and you could win Studying With Dyslexia Blog Christmas prizes including a £25 Amazon voucher donated by Scanning Pens.
Amazon voucher donated by Scanning Pens.
Let’s have some festive fun!
2019 has been a very challenging year for so many reasons so why not do something nice and celebrate the successes of our young dyslexic thinkers?
If you are a parent or a specialist dyslexia professional supporting a young dyslexic thinker as they pass through education you will know the challenges that they experience but you will also see some great strengths shining out as they overcome some of these challenges.
One way of overcoming some of the challenges with being a dyslexic thinker at school is by using assistive technology.
Assistive Technology is technology that helps with the challenges that are a part of the territory with being dyslexic (or experiencing other cognitive disorders such as ADHD, ASD, DCD etc) . Often, in being a dyslexic thinker a young person is forced to play to their weaknesses in the education system unless they get support, of which assistive technology is a type of support. Using assistive technology is a great way in helping a dyslexic learner to ‘level the playing field’ for autonomous learning and attainment. It also helps with confidence and engagement.
So if you know a child or young person who is in Key Stages 3 and 4, here in the UK, that you know has been really helped by using assistive technology then we want to hear from you.
Just complete the survey below and in 200 words tell us about the child or young person’s progress from using assistive technology before the deadline on the 20th December and you could win the following:
The competition prizes for the Studying With Dyslexia Blog Christmas 2019 Competition.
An Amazon Voucher worth £25 donated by Scanning Pens.
A free ticket to the SEN Jigsaw Conference 2020 (6th June 2020) worth £60
A Studying With Dyslexia Blog T-Shirt in a size of your choice worth £19 as well as your entry being shared on The Studying With Dyslexia Blog announcing your win.
Just complete the form below to enter but please read the terms and conditions at the bottom of this blog article first before entering.
Good Luck!
Competition Terms & Conditions.
By taking part in this competition you need to be aware of the following:
ALL entries must be entered by midnight on Friday 20th December 2019.
Multiple entries for different young people may be entered.
Judgement of the winning entry will be delivered by John Hicks and his decision will be final. Please note that the entry will be judged from a perspective of finding the most inspirational example and will not be influenced by any company involved in donating prizes or sponsorship of articles on The Studying With Dyslexia Blog.
The winning entry will be announced on Monday 23rd December 2019.
By entering you are agreeing to allow John Hicks and The Studying With Dyslexia Blog to anonymously share your entry to the supplier of the assistive technology mentioned as feedback (unless you indicated that you would like to know more about Scanning Pens in the survey itself). Your contact details will not be shared nor will the full name of the child mentioned (please ensure that you do not enter the child’s full name into the questionnaire).
The winner will be sent the prizes as detailed but note that John Hicks will get the prizes to the winner as soon as possible but cannot guarantee an exact date. It would be expected to be in early January.